Search Results On road accident (Page 1 of 4)

road accident (Page 1 of 4)

  • Texas Road accident updates, Texas Road accident, texas road accident six telugu people dead, Road accident

    Texas Road accident: Six Telugu people Dead 2023-12-27 13:52:42

    In a tragic incident that occurred on Wednesday, six individuals, including five members of a family from Andhra Pradesh, lost their lives in a head-on collision between a pickup truck and a minivan on U.S. Highway 67 in Texas, United...

    Keywords: Texas Road accident breaking updates, Texas Road accident latest, Texas Road accident latest, Texas Road accident videos

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    Sai Dharam Tej health condition, Sai Dharam Tej accident, sai dharam tej injured in a bike accident, Road accident

    Sai Dharam Tej Injured In A Bike Accident 2021-09-11 08:54:11

    Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej is passionate about bikes and on the evening of Vinayaka Chavithi, the young actor went for a bike ride in the city. The actor met with a road accident on the Cable Bridge of Durgam...

    Keywords: Sai Dharam Tej movie updates, Sai Dharam Tej film news, Sai Dharam Tej film updates, Sai Dharam Tej accident

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    Sai Dharam Tej updates, Sai Tej movie title, ntr s voiceover for sai tej s next film, Road accident

    NTR's Voiceover for Sai Tej's Next Film 2022-12-05 14:32:37

    Supreme Star Sai Dharam Tej suffered a road accident last year after a bike mishap. The actor suffered severe injuries and he was treated in hospital for weeks. He had to take a long break from work before he resumed...

    Keywords: Sai Tej movie release date, Sai Tej film updates, Sai Tej movie title, Sai Tej film

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    Saudi Arabia Bus Accident, Saudi Arabia News, 20 umrah pilgrims killed in bus accident, Road accident

    20 Umrah Pilgrims killed in Bus Accident 2023-03-28 06:58:37

    On Monday, in southwest of Saudi Arabia there was a bus accident in which more than 20 Umrah pilgrims were killed and 29 people were injured, as per the reports. The people were going to Mecca to conduct Umrah. On...

    Keywords: UAE, Mecca, Saudi Arabia News, Mecca

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    Darshini Vasudevan, Texas road accident, four indians die in road accident, Road accident

    Four Indians Die In Road Accident 2024-09-04 15:56:08

    In a devastating incident, four Indians were killed in a road accident on August 30th on Highway 75 in Anna, Texas. The victims died in an SUV by a speeding truck, which left the vehicle burnt into ashes. The four...

    Keywords: Darshini Vasudevan, Lokesh Palacharla, USA road accidents, Indians in USA

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    Virupaksha genre, Sukumar Writings, sai tej s virupaksha title glimpse is here, Road accident

    Sai Tej's Virupaksha Title Glimpse is Here 2022-12-07 15:05:35

    Mega hero and Supreme Star Sai Dharam Tej took a long break after he met with a road accident last year. The actor recovered completely and he resumed the shoot of his next film. The movie is titled Virupaksha and...

    Keywords: Virupaksha release news, Sai Tej, Virupaksha movie news, Virupaksha title

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