Telegram Gained 70 Million Users after WhatsApp and Facebook Went Down 2021-10-06 08:57:56
The entire world is left in the pause after Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram got crashed. The issue got resolved in six hours and Mark Zuckerberg lost big during this fall. Another social media platform Telegram gained big because of the...
Keywords: Telegram on WhatsApp, Telegram recent outrage, Instagram, Telegram on WhatsApp
Read MoreWho Is Pavel Durov? Why Is He Arrested? 2024-08-26 11:02:16
The 39 years old Russian born billionaire is the Chief executive officer of Telegram, Pavel Durov was reportedly arrested at an airport outside Paris on Saturday night. He is currently under arrest and is alleged for misuse of his social...
Keywords: Pavel Durov arrest, Pavel Durov in London, Elon Musk support for Pavel Durov, Yulia Vavilova arrest
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