Search Results On mamata banerjee (Page 1 of 4)

mamata banerjee (Page 1 of 4)

  • Unlock 4.0, Unlock 5.0, unlock 5 0 here s what is likely to open from october 1, Mamata banerjee

    Unlock 5.0: Here's What is Likely to Open from October 1 2020-09-29 09:33:28

    With the imminent festive season, Unlock 5.0 is likely to have more relaxations to the public. The fourth phase of Unlock will end on September 30 and the government will announce the Unlock 5.0 rules with likely more relaxations and...

    Keywords: Narendra Modi, Unlock 4.0, Narendra Modi, relaxations

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    international women's day 2018 events, international women's day logo, international women s day 2019 here are 8 most powerful women in indian politics, Mamata banerjee

    International Women’s Day 2019: Here Are 8 Most Powerful Women in Indian Politics 2019-03-06 07:04:52

    International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year to mark the achievements of women in various fields and create awareness for equal rights.The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #BalanceforBetter in a bid to make a...

    Keywords: strong women in indian politics, international women's day history, international women's day facts, international women's day 2019 events

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    welcome abhinandan, wing commander abhinandan varthaman, nation welcomes wing commander abhinandan varthaman, Mamata banerjee

    Nation Welcomes Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman 2019-03-02 05:12:27

    Indian Air Force Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman crossed the border and stepped into India late last night and the whole nation welcomed back the IAF pilot for his exemplary courage. He was captured by Pakistan Army when he shot down...

    Keywords: iaf pilot abhinandan, abhinandan varthaman, iaf pilot abhi, iaf pilot abhi

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    India, extension, multiple states in india have extended lockdown till april 30, Mamata banerjee

    Multiple states in India have extended lockdown till April 30 2020-04-13 06:59:12

    With India being in its penultimate day of the 21 days lockdown, there are several states which have already announced an extension to the existing lockdown till April 30. The Centre is yet to release a statement regarding the probable...

    Keywords: narendra modi, narendra modi, coronavirus, lockdown

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    staggered re-emergence, staggered re-emergence, staggered re emergence after lockdown opens narendra modi, Mamata banerjee

    “Staggered re-emergence” after lockdown opens – Narendra Modi 2020-04-03 04:29:08

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a video conference with the Chief Ministers of the states, discussed about a “staggered re-emergence” of the public after the Covid-19 lockdown opens on April 14, 2020. Ahead of the message that the prime minister...

    Keywords: covid-19, lockdown, covid-19, lockdown

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    Singer KK demise, Singer KK last rites, singer kk passed away after his kolkata live concert, Mamata banerjee

    Singer KK passed away after his Kolkata Live concert 2022-06-01 10:03:12

    Talented and top singer KK passed away last night after he completed his concert in Kolkata. The singer suffered a massive heart attack and the doctors confirmed that he was brought dead to the hospital. His family members reached Kolkata...

    Keywords: Singer KK death, Singer KK death, Singer KK death, Singer KK news

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