Search Results On kachoris


  • Imran Sheikh, cricket star, cricket star sells kachoris to make ends meet, Kachoris

    Cricket star sells kachoris to make ends meet 2015-11-28 12:46:58

    Cricket star, 30-year-old Imran Sheikh, is seen selling kachoris to make a living. At a roadside stall, he is forced to sell 'moong kachori' on the Old Padra Road. He began selling kachoris a week back to make ends meet....

    Keywords: kachoris, Imran Sheikh, kachoris, kachoris

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    Rain brings, Hyderabad, rain brings respite for hyderabadis, Kachoris

    Rain brings respite for Hyderabadis 2012-04-10 13:23:02

    Hyderabad people have all smiles on their faces on Tuesday evening as sudden rain turned the hot atmosphere into a cool one.  Youths were found biking on roads to enjoy the cool breeze while road side chai and chat shops...

    Keywords: Raing in Summer, Hyderabad, Youth were found bikin on roads, Rain brings

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