Search Results On indian elections (Page 1 of 3)

indian elections (Page 1 of 3)

  • Microsoft Indian elections, Microsoft latest breaking, china planning to disrupt indian elections microsoft, Indian elections

    China planning to disrupt Indian Elections: Microsoft 2024-04-06 12:39:22

    Microsoft has issued a warning regarding China's plans to disrupt upcoming elections in India, the United States, and South Korea using artificial intelligence-generated content. This warning follows China's trial run during Taiwan's presidential election, where AI was utilized to influence...

    Keywords: Microsoft Indian elections, Microsoft, Microsoft latest breaking, Microsoft India elections

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    pandemic, BCCI, ipl will be staged overseas as a last resort bcci, Indian elections

    IPL will be staged overseas as a last resort: BCCI 2020-07-08 08:59:13

    The IPL annual tournament was scheduled to begin from March 29 but was postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19 pandemic. The most IPL tournament this year has took a bad turn and disappointed his fans this year with COVID-19 taking over...

    Keywords: COVID-19, cricket, BCCI, pandemic

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    GSP benefits, US lawmakers, american lawmakers urge authorities not to terminate gsp benefits to india, Indian elections

    American Lawmakers Urge Authorities Not to Terminate GSP Benefits to India 2019-05-03 06:05:10

    A group of 25 influential American lawmakers has urged the United States Trade Representative not to terminate the Generalized System of Preference (GSP) programme with India after the expiry of the 60-day notice on Friday, saying the country's companies seeking...

    Keywords: american lawmakers, US lawmakers, GSP benefits to India, donald trump

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    Indian elections, types of elections in india, elections in india an inspiration around the world united states, Indian elections

    Elections in India an Inspiration Around the World: United States 2019-05-24 04:35:51

    Hours after the declaration of Lok Sabha election results, congratulatory messages poured in for Narendra Modi on his landslide victory. Congratulating PM Modi on his re-election, the United States has said that the just-concluded elections in India, the largest democratic...

    Keywords: lok sabha election result 2019, narendra modi win, elections in india essay, lok sabha elections in India

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    patriot act, hasan minhaj at howdy modi, hasan minhaj allegedly denied entry to howdy modi event, Indian elections

    Hasan Minhaj Allegedly Denied Entry to ‘Howdy Modi’ Event 2019-09-24 09:32:44

    Hasan Minhaj, an Indian origin stand-up comedian, and Netflix’s Patriot Act host was recently denied entry into the NRG Stadium in Houston where Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Howdy Modi!’ event was held on Sunday. A video is doing the rounds...

    Keywords: hasan minhaj about narendra modi, hasan minhaj, hasan minhaj about narendra modi, hasan minhaj in patriot act

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    lok sabha elections, lok sabha elections, india lucky to have narendra modi as prime minister donald trump, Indian elections

    India Lucky to Have Narendra Modi as Prime Minister: Donald Trump 2019-05-25 07:54:25

    A day after Bharatiya Janata Party came out as a victor in the Lok Sabha elections, president Donald Trump on Saturday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a "great man" and "leader". Trump also telephoned Modi to once again congratulate...

    Keywords: prime minister narendra modi, prime minister narendra modi, prime minister narendra modi, narendra modi

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