Search Results On atlanta (Page 1 of 4)

atlanta (Page 1 of 4)

  • Gopi Thotakura latest, Gopi Thotakura achievement, gopi thotakura becomes 1st indian space tourist on blue origin s private launch, Atlanta

    Gopi Thotakura Becomes 1st Indian Space Tourist on Blue Origin's Private Launch 2024-05-20 08:54:24

    Gopi Thotakura, an entrepreneur and pilot, broke new ground on Sunday, becoming the first Indian space tourist. Thotakura was one of six crew members selected for Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin’s NS-25 mission, joining the ranks of Indian space...

    Keywords: Gopi Thotakura USA, Gopi Thotakura Blue Origin, Gopi Thotakura breaking, Gopi Thotakura career

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    Nabanita Nag breaking updates, Nabanita Nag USA, inappropriate relationship indian origin lawyer fired in usa, Atlanta

    Inappropriate Relationship: Indian origin Lawyer Fired in USA 2024-09-12 14:39:27

    An Indian-origin lawyer has been dismissed from her job in the United States due to an alleged "inappropriate workplace relationship" with the CEO of her company. Nabanita Nag, the Chief Legal Officer at Norfolk Southern Corporation in Atlanta, was terminated...

    Keywords: Nabanita Nag breaking updates, Nabanita Nag terminated, Nabanita Nag USA, Nabanita Nag profile

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    Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump updates, Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump breaking news, more billionaires back kamala harris over donald trump, Atlanta

    More Billionaires Back Kamala Harris Over Donald Trump 2024-10-14 14:36:50

    As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, wealthy individuals across the nation are discreetly taking sides, providing substantial financial backing to either Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump. While some, like Elon Musk, openly support their preferred...

    Keywords: Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump news, Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump election

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    US Gay Couple 2024, US Gay Couple breaking updates, us gay couple sentenced to 100 years in prison, Atlanta

    US Gay Couple Sentenced To 100 Years In Prison 2024-12-24 14:22:01

    A gay couple in Georgia, USA, has been sentenced to 100 years in prison for sexually abusing their adopted child. The couple recorded their pedophilic acts and even offered the children to their friends. The case began in 2022 when...

    Keywords: US Gay Couple breaking updates, US Gay Couple investigation, US Gay Couple investigation, US Gay Couple child abuse

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    Presidential Debate highlights, Joe Biden, joe biden and donald trump clash over presidential debate, Atlanta

    Joe Biden and Donald Trump clash over Presidential Debate 2024-06-28 09:27:58

    A faltering Joe Biden struggled to fend off a fierce onslaught from Donald Trump as the two exchanged personal attacks in the heated initial debate of a closely contested presidential race. A boisterous Trump lashed out at his successor, branding...

    Keywords: Presidential Debate news, Presidential Debate 2024, Presidential Debate news, Joe Biden Vs Donald Trump new breaking

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    Kamala Harris future, Kamala Harris breaking, kamala harris has a better chance of retaining white house than biden, Atlanta

    Kamala Harris has a Better Chance of Retaining White House than Biden 2024-07-03 15:23:48

    Kamala Harris, a trailblazer of Indian and African descent, emerges as a more formidable contender in the upcoming presidential race than her running mate, President Joe Biden, according to a recent CNN survey. The poll reveals that Biden's approval ratings...

    Keywords: Kamala Harris Vice President, Kamala Harris fate, Kamala Harris new breaking, Kamala Harris new breaking

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