Trump Praises India-Americans for Playing Incredible Role in His Admin 2018-11-14 12:11:23
President Donald Trump, who has appointed more than two dozen Indian-Americans to senior positions since he took office in 2017, has praised them for their "incredible" performance in his administration.Reflective of the recognition of the inherent talent that Indian-Americans have...
Keywords: great job, Trump administration, Indian, American
Read MoreDonald Trump Appoints Indian-American To Key Federal Energy Agency 2017-05-09 09:03:43
President Donald Trump has appointed Indian-origin Neil Chatterjee to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The agency oversees the electricity, natural gas and oil at the national level. 40-year-old Chatterjee will play a key role in President Trump’s program to reshape...
Keywords: Donald Trump, Key Federal Energy Agency, Donald Trump Appoints Indian-American, Key Federal Energy Agency
Read MoreFCC Stands by Decision to Raise Broadband Prices on American Indians 2018-07-07 05:23:31
The Federal Communications Commission is refusing to reverse a decision that will take a broadband subsidy away from galore American Indians. In November 207, FCC voted 3-2 under Chairman Ajit Pai's leadership to make it much difficult for tribal residents...
Keywords: Broadband, Broadband, American Indians, Broadband
Read MoreU.S. Sues California over Newly-Signed Net Neutrality Law 2018-10-01 04:29:45
The United States President Donald Trump's administration has sued the state of California in an endeavor to strike down its new net neutrality law, signed only hours earlier by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown.According to reports by USA Today, among 34...
Keywords: US, US, Net Neutrality Law, Net Neutrality Law
Read MoreIndian-American Appointed 1st Woman Chief Technology Officer at FCC 2019-12-23 06:09:40
Dr Monisha Ghosh, an Indian-American has been appointed as Chief Technology Officer at the Federal Communications Commission which is the most powerful in US government. She replaced Dr Eric Burger.Ghosh will be advising the Indian-American Chairman of the FCC Ajit...
Keywords: Federal Communications Commission, Chief Technology Officer, Dr Monisha Ghosh, Dr Monisha Ghosh
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