Bay Area citizens surprised to see a perfect halo around the moon
December 31, 2020 16:02
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If you are a Bay Area citizen and have seen a perfect halo surrounding the room, then you haven’t caught any alien spotting. There is actually a scientific explanation behind what you might have seen.
When a halo surrounds the moon, it means that the light from the almost full moon is refracting through the tiny ice crystals present in the cirrus clouds to form a halo. This creates a 22 degree lunar halo.
Although the sight is beautiful and one to behold, these sightings are actually more common that rainbows!
Moon halos occur where there are thin clouds in the sky. This phenomenon occurs during both the day and night. However, this phenomenon is visible clearly to the naked eye during the night.
In some cultures, this phenomenon is said to bring luck to those who witness it. These phenomenons are expected to be replaced by stormy nights and rain. This phenomenon occurs when the climate is very cold.
This phenomenon occurs mostly during the cold seasons. You can witness the lunar halo around the moon from October till Mid March.
By Meena Atmakuri