Absolute interestingly, on Saturday, some citizens of Kolkata resolved to limit the use of paper and increase the use of recycled paper as a preliminary to an action to the observance of Earth Hour which is the global initiative to save energy and reduce global warming.
Earth Hour is a global campaign...
Earth Hour is a global campaign that India first joined on March 23 2009, the movement which involves millions of people in 7,001 cities and towns across 152 countries (including India) whereon Electricity is switched off for one hour as a show of community of feelings towards the cause of the environment.
Fact-fully, this year, Earth Hour is being observed on Saturday from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm.
Moreover, in Kolkata, many hotels like the Park hotel, adopted the 'no-printouts' norm throughout the day whereas employees as well as guests were requested to spare from charging their mobile phone batteries during the day.
Likewise, the Sonnet Hotel, employed as an eco-friendly establishment, in association with Media Connect, urged employees and guests to use recycled paper. In fact, Guests also participated in a poster-designing contest and bought Earth Hour themed T-shirts. Expressing community of feelings with the campaign, cadets of the National Cadet Corps took out a rally from NCC Club House premises to Park Street.
Evolving beyond the one-hour clause, 'Earth Hour' now includes continuous actions towards saving the environment.
As a concluding fact, India joined the Earth Hour movement in 2009, when five million Indians across 56 cities showed their support by switching off non-essential lights and saving approximately 1,000 MW of power in that one hour.
It's wondrous to know that more than 150 Indian cities participated in the campaign in 2012.
Save electricity today for a brighter tomorrow!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)