The epic ‘Ramayana’ gives us the message of Bhagwan Rama's life and teachings to mankind. It is a divine story of the time when lord Vishnu manifested himself in the form of Rama on earth. Ramnavami or the birthday of Lord Rama falls on the 9th day of the bright fortnight of the month of Chaitra. It is a divine occasion to chant the name ‘Rama’ and follow the teachings from Ramayana.
Rama Himself said, "Repetition of My name once is equal to the repetition of one thousand names of God or to the repetition of a mantra one thousand times." What else could be an easiest way to attain liberation? Repeat the name ‘Rama’ to take a fastest as well as surest way to attain peace, purity, wisdom, joy, prosperity and liberation. Lessons for life taught by lord Rama through his way of life are precious teachings to human kind.
Message from Ramayana
Choose Dharma over Artha
Choose Moksha over Kama
Rama, lived his whole life by the rules of dharma; in fact, that was why Hindus consider him heroic. Rama’s primary message is to fulfill the duty without selfish motives and put others before self. Given a choice, Rama taught to choose Dharma over Artha. When Rama was exiled to the forest, he never complained that "it is not fair", neither he fought back in anger. Instead, he helped his father in fulfilling a promise. Rama never thought of his own comforts and rights. He always abide by his duty and dharma. Rama showed us to opt for moksha over kama at the end of Ramayana, when he choose his kingdom over his marriage.
Rama As a son: Rama sacrificed own comfort for father's dignity. He obeyed father's orders with respect and love. Rama had love and respect for even his step mother at the time when she clearly discriminated against him in favor of her own birth child.
Rama As a brother and husband: Rama always remained loyal to brothers and cared for them. He is considered as an ideal husband who was loyal to his wife Sita. He fought for her purity and protection. And he did not keep the role of householder as the ultimate role in his divine path.
Rama As a King: Rama sacrificed everything for his people, never worrying about his own comfort, own convenience or pleasure. He taught to be willing to always put the Kingdom ahead of his own needs.
- Sumana