Many people will dream of having long and shiny hair, but don't know how to get it. Most of the people don't realize that what you eat and that can affect to your hair. Using a good hair care routine can help to prevent your hair from breaking off before it gets long.
Read on to learn how to get longer hair as fast as you can. These methods will also make it healthier and thicker.
1) Change the way you wash your hair : How often you wash your hair and what water temperature you use for your hair? Washing your hair every day and using hot water will cause it to dry out and become brittle, that leads to hair breakage, preventing hair from growing long and thick.
The best solution is to wash hair no more than 3 times a week and use the coldest water you can handle. If you hate showering in cold water, try washing your hair in the sink with cold water separately from your regular showers. When you shower, keep your hair wrapped up in a shower cap.
2) Dry hair gently : Don’t wrap your hair roughly, brush it out with a towel. It may break your hair and won't get the chance to grow long and strong. Don’t handling it too roughly when it's wet, because wet hair tends to stretch and break more easily than dry hair. You should carefully lay it out to dry. Treat your hair with same gentle care. After washing, gently pat it dry with a towel. Don’t allow drier to dry hair because it may damage hair in the form of breakage, frizz and split ends, and it's not easy to repair.
3) Don't use harsh chemicals on your hair : The use of the shampoo and conditioner may be contributing to poor hair growth. Most commercial shampoos contain sulfates, which strip your hair off and leave it to damage. Conditioners contain silicons that coat the hair with chemicals and need to be washed out with more strong shampoo.