Narendra Modi World's Most Powerful Person of 2019: British Herald Poll
June 21, 2019 11:22
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as the world’s most powerful person in 2019, as per readers of the British Herald. The readers voted for Narendra Modi among competitors including Russian President Vladimir Putin, United States President Donald Trump, and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
According to reports, Narendra Modi got 31 percent and gained the top slot while Putin ranked second with 29 percent.President Donald Trump bagged the third position by 21.9 percent and Xi Jinping ranked 18.1 percent.
Reports inform that a judging panel shortlisted four finalists which included Narendra Modi, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The readers were supposed to vote through a mandatory one-time password.
British Herald will be featuring Narendra Modi on the cover page of magazine releasing on 15th July 2019. In Match-April issue, British Herald featured Jacinda Ardern and Vladimir Putin in May-June issue.
"Narendra Modi has emerged as a key figure in the Asian region who is seen active with his act east policy. His effort to tackle climate change has been seen positively by the world, as warming affects millions of his country’s rural citizens", the reported.
This year, Narendra Modi emerged at the topmost position, beating out other world leaders and politicians among people who were voted by the British Herald readers. Reports inform that PM Modi was among the 25 world leaders who were nominated for World’s Most Powerful Person this year.
By Sowmya Sangam