US is notorious for a few weird flavors in many eatables. But this account of a weird flavor is unfortunately the pride of Ireland. They managed to sneak in Cheese and Onion into chocolate!
Probably confusing chocolate for chips when drunk on Jameson's finest whisky on St. Paddy's the Irish chip make could have dipped cheese onion into chocolate. Well, it all began when there were online requests signing petitions in a social media campaign seeking the weird flavor to be made.
Tayto, the manufacturer, delivered the requests. They made 100,000 bars of chocolate with this flavor in response to their loyal fans' requests.
There was an overwhelming response to these bars. They were finished within days of being in business. The Tayto CEO himself tasted the chocolate to feel the “unusual” taste but was surprised, pleasantly, with the response from the public. He said "It went off the richter scale with almost half a million impressions."
The crunchy chocolate bars give you a lingering sense of cheese and onion in the mouth once you are done. While the US itself doesn't have these weird chocolate bars yet, they have their favorite ramen flavored Komforte Chockolates perpetuating the stereotype of the most popular student food in the nation!
(AW- Anil)