World Senior Citizen's Day: 5 Life Lessons We Learn From Older People
August 21, 2019 09:35
(Image source from: The Indian Express)
Every year August 21 is celebrated as World Senior Citizen's Day to increase awareness about the issues faced by older adults in their day-to-day life. The day also highlights the elderly abuse many senior citizens go through. It also recognizes the contributions of the elderly to society.
History of World Senior Citizen’s Day
The observance of World Senior Citizen’s Day was proclaimed on December 14, 1990, by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The day dedicated to senior citizens across the world was officially founded by the former President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. He had signed the promulgation of 5847 which appeared on August 21 as National Day of the Third Age, on August 19, 1988.
The promulgation reads,
“For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older – places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity”.
Life Lessons You Can Learn from Senior Citizens
Senior citizens have been through all the phases of life and they patently mastered in handling a whole lot of situations. While the words of our elders have always been considered wise, you every time turn deaf ear to them.
1. Bitterness Makes Life Sweeter
At times when we find ourselves in the middle of pitfalls we tend to feel as though things will never change promising. But our seniors sense that life has a rhythm, and nothing ever stays neither good nor bad.
2. Making Time for Ourselves
In the course of a hectic life, we often fail to care for pastime - even if it is to spend time with loved ones, watch Netflix… Life can quickly throw us off the balance if we don’t know how to prioritize our time. As our seniors lived through every stage of life, they are aware how some moments of life - having time for family, enjoying the world’s natural beauty, taking up enriching activities will make our life worth living.
3. Stop Thinking About Society’s Wants
Most of our yearnings and desires are being thwarted under the pressure of society. If you observe, our seniors carry a wave of peace with them and that can only be possible only if we least worry about others perceptions. Next time you find yourself pondering whether to put on that bright new shirt out of fear of what your colleagues might think, ask yourself - would your favorite elder loved one care?
4. Love Involves Sacrifice or Compromise
Our elders, in their course of life, have made sacrifices for their loved ones in that we can’t even imagine. In an age where we still grudge with loved ones, seeking out the counsel of a senior can help keep things in perspective. They can never be illogical when it comes to giving relationship advices.
5. You Still Have a Lot to Know
(Image source from: Home Care Phoenix)
Have a conversation with your elder one and you will realize that you’ve got such a long way to go to understand how things work in this life.
By Sowmya Sangama