(Image source from: nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net)
WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom has warned the world on June 29 that the worst is still yet to come, referring to the COVID-19 infections.
“We all want this to be over. We all want to get on with our lives. But the sad truth is we are not even close to being over”, said WHO Chief at a briefing in Geneva.
He has criticized the governments across the world that they have failed in their measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
“Although many countries have made some progress, globally the pandemic is actually speeding up”, he said.
He mentioned that the only mantra for this pandemic to end is “Test, Trace, Isolate and Quarantine”.
The lack of national unity and solidarity among countries is actually letting the virus spread at the alarming rate according to him.
He accused governments of giving lame excuses in the context of contact tracing.
"If any country is saying contact tracing is difficult, it is a lame excuse,” says @WHO Chief @DrTedros, pointing out that many public health professionals have risked their lives to do contact tracing in active conflict zones, including @DrMikeRyan when fighting #Ebola in DRC. pic.twitter.com/ka8vbLrAUL
— Global Health Strategies (@GHS) June 29, 2020
According to a survey from Hopkins University, there are more than 10 million confirmed coronavirus cases and 126,000 deaths worldwide since the pandemic emerged from China in 2019.
He expressed his fear that with this kind of environment across the world he could only expect the worst in the coming days.
The Chief also explained the reason for spike in COVID-19 cases in the US saying people in the country have been negligent in this matter and have been unwilling to abide by the guidelines issued by Health departments. Apparently, citizens of the US are protesting against wearing masks.
The US has surpassed all countries in terms of COVID-19 cases and also in number of fatalities according to WHO. Brazil ranks second while Russia, India and the United Kingdom come next in order.
However, President of the US, Donald Trump has accused WHO of taking China’s side and helping it cover up the total of number of cases emerged. Earlier in June, Trump has announced his decision to end the long-term relationship with WHO and taking back the US funding.
By Gayatri Yellayi