We are locked away in our homes, trying to make the most out of the least. While it is quite common for you to feel unhappy and not feel like doing something productive, it is likely that you need to stop blaming yourself for it. Given that the entire world is already struggling a battle and a pandemic, being stressed with things will bring down your productivity for sure. In such cases, the one thing that you can do is ensure to look for creative ways to hone your productivity. Mind you, the process is not easy at all. But, you can take little steps ahead.
Plan your day ahead of time
When you want the day to be productive, one of the best things that you can do is work on planning things ahead of time. This might not seem the most productive way to get things done but this is one of the most effective ways. All that you have to do is focus on writing down the goals for the day and set aside time for each one of them. Trust me; it is not that hard once you start doing it. Make sure that you always allot time for some break because that is a necessity that you can’t take for granted. Don’t put excess strain and try to balance things out.
Work on your stress
Seeing the constantly increasing numbers of the confirmed cases on the internet and news is likely going to take a toll on your mental health. Stress is one of the most common impacts that you are likely going to experience, especially when it comes down to dealing with a pandemic. One of the best ways of dealing with stress in such cases is by ensuring that you find productive ways to beat the stress. You can indulge in some deep breathing exercises or even focus on doing some meditation. Both of these help a lot.
Snack on energising items
Another amazing way to fight through the lack of productivity is by snacking on some healthy items. These might not seem a lot helpful but trust me, once you have the energy flowing in your body, there is absolutely nothing that you will focus further on. It is all in how you manage your body that makes all the difference. Make sure that you do have some nuts or even some of the homemade energy bars because those tend to help out as well. They improve the energy levels and also ensure to keep your overall health in check.
Schedule a virtual appointment
We don’t realise this but a sudden change in our lives amidst this pandemic is bound to affect our mental health. If that is something that you are struggling with as well, one of the best ways to overcome that is by ensuring that you schedule a virtual appointment with a therapist. This comes a lot in handy and might help you stay grounded during these times of crisis. Focus on talking to them about the things that have been bothering you. It might be nothing or it might be a lot of things. It all comes down to your discomforts.
Accept that there is a tomorrow
We are so focused on beating ourselves up over the lack of productivity in our lives that we fail to realise how important it is to accept that there is a brighter tomorrow. You don’t necessarily have to worry about anything in this prospect, mainly because of the fact that you are not alone in this. The entire world is struggling and is probably cursing themselves because of their lack of productivity. So, it is not just you who is struggling. Make sure to thus focus on accepting the failure for the day and moving on with the next one.
Remember that you are not the only person stuck in the middle of a pandemic. Every single person around the world is struggling with it. And, while you are upset of not being productive enough, there are so many people feeling the exact same as you. There’s light at the end of the tunnel and that is exactly something that you need to focus on.
By Somapika Dutta