(Image source from: Health Care-3 Physical body maintenance})
Health is something that cannot be seen. One can see only its absence. As long as the physical body is healthy, that means functioning properly; one will not notice anything connected to health. Even the body parts are not noticed.
A physical body part attracts your attention only on two occasions. One, when you use that part of the body as you have to apply energy there and two, when the part is sick i.e., short or deflated of energy at that place. That way a problem or an action draws your attention to it.
When the physical body is healthy one will not be conscious of any part of the body. They feel the body is light. That is the only indication of health. That is why lack of health is called disease that means of lack of ease. You are at ease when the body is healthy and not at ease because of a disease.
As we have discussed in our Health Care 1 and 2, we cannot give health to a body the way food or a comfort is given. Only a disease can be cured when it happens. But, instead of waiting for the body to revolt and draw your attention, a daily care taken keeps the body function smoothly. The care to be taken is very simple one which we will discuss later.
But now, let us categorize the persons who take care of their physical bodies. The body is just like a vehicle or a machine to carry you and fulfill your desires by carrying them on physically. Usually the vehicles that are maintained are of three types.
1. Private Vehicles: The vehicles owned by individuals for their comfort to go places are maintained on regular basis. The vehicles will be periodically checked and fuel with required quantities of other fluids like engine oil, brake oil, gear oil and shock absorbers’ oils are provided to it.
That means a maintenance before a problem occurs.
2. Public Vehicles: Public vehicles owned by private individuals are generally seen being used till they breakdown. It is a common sight to find a truck with a load breaks down on a road some times on a narrow road or on a bridge to make a traffic jam. The damaged part may have to be taken out to repair in a workshop and then it has to be brought to the vehicle again to fix it. If the situation doesn’t demand unloading the truck they feel somewhat relieved.
This is action taken after the breakdown.
3. Government Vehicles: These vehicles are maintained strictly by the rule. They make a record and paint the detail on the engine about the time of undertaking its maintenance. Everyone connected with its maintenance tries to do it as a duty and as a precaution to obviate a blame for not following a rule.
It is like cautious mechanical maintenance with a feel of duty.
Human beings also can be categorized in to three as above. Some people take periodical care of their body. (Not periodical medical checks ups alone). Some go for a treatment when a problem erupts. Some do it as a duty like morning this, afternoon that and evening some other as per book.
Is it not clear what category one should be in! We will come back with some more tips after some time again.