U.S. Regulator FAA Retains Highest Aviation Safety Ranking for India
December 19, 2018 05:54
(Image source from: Moneycontrol)
The United States-based regulator Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has retained the highest aviation safety ranking for India, a senior official said on Tuesday.
In July, the FAA executed an audit of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
The official said that the FAA on Tuesday formally confirmed that India's International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) rating remains 'Category 1,' meaning carriers from the assessed state may initiate or continue service to the U.S. in a normal manner and take part in reciprocal code-share arrangements with American carriers.
The audit was carried to confirm India's adherence to the standards laid down by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and oversight of Indian airlines.
"During consultations held with the FAA in early November, the DGCA presented the actions taken to address the findings of the July 2018 audit," the DGCA official said.
According to him, the FAA has formally communicated that India is adhering to the safety standards of the ICAO. The regulator has also "confirmed that India's IASA rating remains Category 1," he noted.
India is the rapidly growing domestic aviation market in the global and registered double-digit growth for the 50th consecutive month in October. The latest development comes as an encouragement for the overall aviation sector.
The American regulator conducts IASA programme to assess the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of each country that has carriers operating to the U.S.
An IASA assessment determines if the foreign CAA provides oversight to its carriers that operate to the U.S. as per the international standards.
Under the International Convention on Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), each country is accountable for the safety oversight of its own air carriers. Other countries can only conduct limited surveillance activities, chiefly involving the inspection of required documents and the physical condition of aircraft.
In January 2014, the FAA downgraded India's aviation safety ranking and it was upgraded to 'Category 1' in April 2015.
-Sowmya Sangam